Almost all companies today have an official mission statement and vision that drives their actions day by day. However, it's becoming increasingly rare for companies to address ideals and establish company values that impact the workplace for the better. Fortunately, you can rest assured that when you choose Mr. Rooter® for your plumbing needs, you're choosing to work with a company that has a formal Code of Values backing everything we do. Our company values exist within all Mr. Rooter franchise locations. It's the universal guideline that all of Mr. Rooter's teams strive to adhere to every day. Consider the principles we have included in our Code of Values to direct our behavior with every customer interaction:
Respect What does it mean to be respectful? It means treating others the way we want to be treated. It's listening with the intent of understanding what our customer wants and delivering what is important to them. Respect also means recognizing that our customer's time is valuable to them, so we strive to respond in a timely fashion and get the work done quickly and thoroughly. When we speak, we do so calmly and politely, never with sarcasm or profanity. Plumbing repair and replacement work can be stressful for both parties, so we always acknowledge that our customers are right from their perspective, even if it differs from the perspective of a professional.
Integrity Alas, far too many businesses abandon this principle before all other company values. We strive to work with integrity and honesty, operating above the line in every instance. We look at the plumbing problem and propose all possible solutions, working with the same integrity we would give the plumbing system in our own home. Having integrity also means that we only make agreements we are able to and intend to keep. If we anticipate a broken promise, such as a delay in a part arrival, we communicate the problem at the first appropriate opportunity. We always communicate openly and honestly, never saying anything behind a customer's back that we would be afraid to say directly to them. If we disagree with or do not understand a customer's request, we ask respectful, clarifying questions to get everyone on the same page quickly.
Customer Focus It's our continuous goal to maximize customer loyalty, both internally and externally. We always make our best effort to understand our customer's needs and fulfill them to the best of our ability in every situation.
Have Fun in the Process Getting the job done professionally and promptly is very important, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun in the process! With the attitude that work can be fun, we're able to make our customer's day with our positive attitude and fun demeanor. We leave our personal problems at the door and don't let them get in the way of delivering a job well done while having fun in the process.
We're equipped to treat your home and your plumbing system with the respect and integrity they deserve. Our customer focus and fun-loving attitude make us the most qualified for the job. If you're ready to work with a plumber that has these solid company values to back up his every move, contact Mr. Rooter today to schedule an appointment.